Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My 2006 plan... simple: do everything different from 2005.


Here's what I'm thinkin:
1) No more mailing my headshots in response to audition notices. It takes a lotta time and so far has done zip-zero (stingy with dinero...sorry...Jay-Z? Anyone?) for me. Instead, for those roles that I really want and fit the part, drive my ass over to the Casting Director's (CD's) office and drop-off my headshot/resume personally (with hopes of meeting the CD). The goal will be to not get yelled at.

2) No more Howard Fine acting classes (for pilot season, anyways). Though extremely helpful, they require a lot of time, energy, and money. Instead, I'm gonna start CD workshops. Yes, I'll be paying for face time (which I take maaad issue with), but I've heard that people actually book out of these, as they help in building relationships with CDs. There are a couple of scams out there though; I'll have another post with what I find legit, and what's to quit. I'll hopefully re-join Howard's studio in May-ish.

3) No more turning down gigs. Pretty self-explanatory. My resume needs help.

4) No more Actor's Network. Though it's an incredibly helpful organization that I highly recommend, I'm going to try out another organization called The Actorsite. If I had the money, I'd do both. But I just like beer too much, so I don't.

5) No more B&W headshot. Gonna fix that this week, and go with this picture for now (unless I get hate mail from you). I've got headshots scheduled for the 17th, so hopefully I'll have better pix up by the end of the month.

6) No more targeting gigs outta my reach. Take pilot season for instance. I could potentially be making a heavy push for pilot auditions right now. But that would be a waste of time, as I'd get into the room, kick ass at the audition, and then not get called back cause some other desi-bhai has more on his resume. So while everyone is chasin the pilot dream, I'm gonna focus on co-star roles on TV shows. If I can book a couple of those this pilot season, I'll be able to call Q1 of 2006 a success. Q2-Q4, I'll celebrate the success of Q1, like all the other wannabes.

7) No more wasting time lookin for agents...cause I've already signed, sucka! (commercially, anyways...still debating theatrical offers). Now I'll be wasting my time building relationships with Casting Directors, the true gatekeepers.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I've signed commercially with AKA Talent

Went in yesterday and signed the paperwork. I have to shoot new headshots, and have to decide (by today) if I'm going to change my screen name, but then I'll be all set.

Yesterday was an interesting day though...quick story:

So after I got the offer from AKA on Friday, I was asked to cancel my other meetings--particularly one with another top agency.

But when I called them to cancel....

"Have you signed yet?"
"Umm...not yet, but--"
"--come in Monday morning. Don't sign yet. Just come in for a quick meeting"

Not wanting to set fire to water-crossing structures, I went in yesterday morning to meet an agent there (this really cool guy I met through The Actors Network, which is how I got the meeting btw), and another commercial agent joined us.

In 5 minutes, I had an offer.
A minute later, comparisons were being drawn between the two agencies.

I left their offices in a state of shock, as I was sitting on two offers from two top commercial agencies. I of course only got the second because I had the first, and I got the first because of some strong support (see previous post). Regardless, I had a decision to make.

After calling everyone from commercial casting directors to other actors, I decided to go with AKA (the first offer). Don't think I coulda gone wrong either way, though. And I'm stoked about what this could mean.

Friday, January 06, 2006

2006 is off to a great start

Just got a call from one of the top Commercial Agents in LA.

With an offer.


(Trying to contain my excitement right now.)
(Okay I'm calm.)

Guess I'll have to cancel my upcoming Commercial Agent meetings cause I'm TAKIN THE OFFER.

BIG THANKS to Jordana Capra and Vic Chao (both rep'd by this agency) for putting in great words (read: lying) on my behalf.

2006 plan to was almost ready, but it's gonna have to be slightly modified given this nice turn of events...stay tuned....