Sunday, June 11, 2006

What. A. Week.

First off, many thanks for your comments and emails of support. Before going any further, I should probably first tell you that my "callback" ended up not being a was a "hey, let's bring this guy in and not check if we've brought him in already" mistake. The moment the Associate CD called my name she looked at me with a "sh*t...I'm sorry" kinda look.

Well, I'm glad the mistake was made, cause I went ahead and auditioned again, and rocked it. The first time (last week), I was shaky on the second scene, and if I hadn't heard back ever again I wouldn't have forgiven myself because I didn't show them what I was capable of. Now if I don't get a callback, at least I'll know that I did my best--and that's all I can do. Well that, and send them a postcard next week thanking them for seeing me, have my Agent thank them for seeing me, and send them flowers everyday for the next two weeks.

Funny thing...yes, I'm joking about the flowers, but I went to another audition on Friday, and check this: one girl walked in for her first-call audition with SCENTED CANDLES as a "thanks for letting me read for you" gift before her read. The guy that went in after her brought this story back out to the waiting room...he said the CD was laughing about it cause it totally made the read uncomfortable. The things people do....

So, the title of this post is appropriate because not only did I have a huge audition for a lead role in a feature this week, but I had an audition--and a callback (with producers in the room!)--for a television show for ABC Family. Sweet, huh? I was stoked--and then the week got better when I got a call from my Agent on Thursday for a next-day audition. The show? Entourage. ENTOURAGE PEOPLE! Yes it was only like 3 lines and no I don't expect to get it, but damn...sure is nice to get called in for a show like that.

On a side note, I still want to write about Casting Director Workshops...will do that soon. Also, I'm thinking about compiling some of my notes into a mini-book about Acting in LA for professionals (doctors/lawyers/engineers/bankers/management consultants)--basically, people who want to take the plunge but don't want to wait tables. I'm by no means a success story, but I sure feel I've got a lot of tips for those types of peeps.

Okay, this post needs to finish up. Thanks for reading!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm so excited for you! i'll need a copy of your mini-book.

12:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome news on the auditions.
I think that book is totally publishable. Type up an outline and summary blurb and send it to me, if you'd like.

10:56 AM  

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