Wednesday, August 31, 2005

My first commercial audition: Part I

Some time ago I wrote about my first "print" audition, which left me wondering about how I would feel endorsing a product or service associated with a for-profit enterprise. Well, late last week I got wind of a certain company (that I may or may not have worked for) that was casting commercials for a new advertising campaign. The company in question is one that I firmly believe in and would love to help advertise for. Problem was, without an agent (ah-HEM all you agents), there is no way I was going to get in the door.

Soo, I kinda sorta maybe contacted someone I knew at the company and asked if they could find the right person to put in a good word--and it worked :)

On Wednesday morning, I received a phone call from the casting agent asking if I could come in later that afternoon, and lo and behold, my schedule was free (the beauty of unemployment). It was clear the moment I walked in that the casting agent was honoring a favor, as I looked nothing like (age-wise and skin color-wise) everyone else auditioning. But it took me 0.12 seconds to get over that and prep to do my best.

I'll save describing the audition for my next post, and close this one with a thought on how I got the audition. It would not have happened if (1) I had burned bridges, (2) I had not kept up communications with my contacts, and most importantly, (3) I had not asked. I keep hearing how people in LA are strictly interested in what you can do for them. I've even seen it. But IMHO, it's okay to ask people to do certain career oriented favors--like referrals and introductions--for you. If they can help, great! And if they can't/don't, you know not to ask next time. And not to send them a Holiday card. Or autograph.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll always take your calls Sundeep, or at least your emails. All in the hopes of one day having your autograph. Fetch a pretty penny on ebay, it will, one day.

2:26 PM  

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