Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Networking is formally defined by Merriam-Webster as "the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions". They should add to that "it's also the only way to build a career in Hollywood" (or anywhere?).

Tonight I attended a "fireside chat" with an Executive Producer of a major television show, organized by my alumni association (great resource, btw). The 'chat'--between the organizer and the Producer; the rest of us 'sat'--was both entertaining and informative. My biggest takeaway, though, was how her career always seemed to move forward through someone she knew. Probably not coincidentally, in her parting words of advice she impressed upon us that "it's all about who you know".

Question is, how does one get to 'know' people? This mentally probably contributes to the 'shallow' attitude assigned to most of LA's population. 30 seconds into a conversation you figure out if a person can help you or not: " you are a rocket scientist...greaaat...." With so many other people to meet, do you keep chattin? Or do the career minded (and shallow?) thing: excuse yourself to the restroom, take 3 steps in the direction of the restroom, and meet someone else?

Anyways, I took the producer's advice and met two writers and an actress today. And left the finance guy by the potato chips....


Anonymous Jeff said...

Still blogging about my acting and modeling goal i'm also on IMDB @

11:46 PM  

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