Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Agent hunting: mass mailings

There are two philosophies on mass mailings to agents: (1) they work, and (2) they don't work. The best way to get in front of an agent is of course through referral. I've been advertising my need for an agent for weeks now, and have only had one actor say "you should totally call my agency". Every other actor I've met is clearly afraid I'll get all the auditions and so doesn't help (youbastardguys). So, rather than just wait around for a referral (no matter how many actor/director/agent types I meet with), a mass mailing seems like one way to take control of the situation. I'm hoping my look is different enough that it'll catch the eye of the hungover-unpaid-wannabe-actor-intern who will be flipping through them.

First step? Assuming you already have a headshot (which I do), get the postcards printed. After some research, I went with Reproductions because they seem to be legit and offer a reasonable price.

On a side note, I'm also getting business cards printed. Kinda wierd after years of having distinguished business cards with one corporate logo or another to go ahead and pay someone to put my face on a card--like it is a friggin logo. I really, really hope they make me look good.....


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