Monday, August 15, 2005

Weekend Intensive at the Larry Moss Studio

This weekend I took a two day scene study class at the Larry Moss Studio at Edgemar Center, taught by Michelle Danner. It had been awhile since I'd been in a classroom, and even though I'm still shopping for the perfect class (more later), this seemed like a great opportunity to really check out a teaching style to aid my decision, and more importantly, get back in the classroom.

Couple of impressions:
1) Acting is ridonkulously difficult. I mean, it's all about being raw, being real...being honest. It's not for the weak, because it's really about getting to know yourself--the good and especially the bad. It's about looking in the mirror past the reflection. It'''s....yeah.

2) IMHO, training is soo important. The best thing someone can do if he or she wants to be an actor is get into a good training program. I think.

3) I hate wasting time.

Okay, the third point seems a bit random, but coming from a banking/technology background, productivity is huge for me, and I hate when my time is wasted--and this class wasted maybe 2 hours of my time (class started late, etc.). Though I learned about endowing objects and triggers and what not, my biggest takeaway this weekend is the challenge I face to not going f'n nuts in situations where my time will be wasted and there is nothing I can do about it. Like traffic, for instance. Or looking for parking. Or stupid questions (I know, it's lame to say this, but I really do believe there are such things as stupid questions...anyone ever see Empire Records? This dude working there picks up the phone and says "Empire Records open till midnight"...and then a pause...and then he says "midnight!" and hangs up. I hate those kinds of questions. Ahh!)

I know...I need to breathe....


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