Friday, September 09, 2005

Atypical days

First off, thanks to everyone reading and posting comments. I particularly appreciate the person who complimented my blog and then asked me to check out his/her blender site. To you I say: "I have no idea how you found my blog, but I don't need any blenders. So piss off."

When I told friends I was moving to LA for acting, most were pretty supportive (in a "laughing with me not at me" kind of way...I think). Several even said they would live 'vicariously' through me; in fact, I think I'm living for about six people right now. For everyone else, I thought a "day in the life" might be worth sharing, so you can be happy you're saving your vicarious lives for people really worth it (like, say, Richard Branson).

7:00 AM - alarm rings
7:16 AM - get up motivated by the fact that no one will believe I got up by 7:16 AM
7:17 AM - sit-ups
7:30 AM - after briefly checking email, jog to the gym and work out while listening to the NY Times digest from Audible (for any commuters/productivity freaks, Audible is huge; if you sign up, tell 'em 'ahuja' referred you)
9:00 AM - showered and ready, at this point my schedule forks: if it's Tues or Thurs, leave for guitar class at Santa Monica College; any other day, submit myself for auditions on afore mentioned websites (see 'Auditions' post)

The only other fixture every week is--if it's a Tues or a Fri--acting class from 2:15 to 6 in Hollywood, and I always have some prep work to do before hand. I spend the other days: (1) tackling the huge acting to-do list I've got (get an agent, get famous, etc.), (2) preparing for/attending any auditions I get, and (3) checking out interesting acting related events I hear of (including Actor's Network events; will detail this org in a later post).

What else...a few friends and I have Tuesday night movie nights where we watch thought provoking, relatively independent type films (this week we saw Maria Full of Grace; heavy...very good...very heavy....).

In summary, my days are pretty atypical. I've quickly realized the importance of: (1) being organized, (2) keeping an up-to-date schedule, (3) numbered lists, such as this one, and most importantly, (4) keeping my eye on the prize (having something to write about for my blog).


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