Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Highlights from my "commercial auditioning" class

I recently wrapped up Craig Colvin's commercial class; here are my key takeaways:

On clothing
- Don't wear religious jewelry (unless it's Christian), and don't wear a political shirt (unless it's not in English).
- Don't be dumb. For example, don't wear a "Bitch" shirt to a McDonald's audition. Yes, this has happened.
- Don't wear bright clothes cause they'll take the focus off of you. Now, if this is your objective, wear white.
- Dress the part.

On product
- Always keep the product in frame, but away from your face. Any label should always face camera (the product should "love you", as I'm told...can you believe they say things like that? The product "loves her"...ha!).
-Remember you are selling a product..."my life is better because I have ____" (Frosted Flakes, designer shoelaces, whatever).

On copy
- If there is a time listed on the copy sheet for the length of the spot, try to stick to it. So put a watch/stopwatch in your bag for all auditions. Do this now.
- Memorize at least the first lines and the last lines...those are the ones that should be delivered perfectly (along with the ones in between).
- Make strong choices (strong choices are better than the right choices).
- Feel free to mark up your copy. But if you do, walk it out (do you really want to share all that work you've with the next person?). (Have I really become so Hollywood that I agree with things like that?).

On slating (stating your name and agent)
- Hook 'em with your slate.
- State your name confidently, clearly, and with familiarity.
- Hook 'em with your slate.
- Keep eyes on camera as long as possible, don't move body to profile (just head), and think a secret thought (go crazy with this one...the more secret, the better...yeaaaah...that smile you've got now? Perfect!).
- Hook 'em with your slate.

On the audition
- Ask what your "framing" is so you know if you can move around (if you plan to move, tell the camera person, or they might yell at you).
- Don't stop after you finish your lines or action...keep going till someone says cut or you find a reason to exit frame. Otherwise it just gets weird (you standing there all awkward like...).
- Don't shake your head. At all. Only nod. (This is hard).
- If you want a second go at it, ask! But in a leading way..."would you like to see that more...Russian?" (to quote one guy in my class).
- If you're forced to read with someone who sucks, as you are walking out do the "oh, I left something behind" move and go back and ask the CD (casting director) for another take with someone else. Brilliant, huh?
- Don't f it up.

- Have a couple of characters developed that you could tap if you need to (I've got this Italian dude, and this dorky guy...please, no comments about the dorky guy...he's a nice guy).
- Know your look/type--and embrace it.
- They can't ask your age...if they do, give 'em a range...a wide one....
- They don't want to book actors, but people--go in, in character, walk out, in character.
- Sometimes they book only off the slate (so...HOOK 'EM WITH YOUR SLATE) .
- Many times they watch auditions with the audio off (can you believe that? I still can't...).
- Answer questions into the camera if the person asking is not next to it (cause when watching the tape later it'll look weird if you're talking off camera).

Wow...all that cost me $475...and all it cost you was $20! Send checks payable to....

Seriously, if you got questions, ask.
(I'll cut you a great deal :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been meaning to tell you to change your tele number to the local area code.
-- MSA

2:29 PM  
Blogger jenny said...

Wow thanks for the tips, just what I was looking for.....good luck with your acting!

7:13 PM  

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