Thursday, October 13, 2005


It's been a while since I've been helpful to would-be actors. My past few entries have been about "me, me, me", and though these entries have been like therapy sessions, I realize I need to remember my charter: convince other would-be actors to STAY AWAY FROM LA.

Commercial classes

I started Craig Colvin's commercial class on Tuesday, and so far I dig it. Craig, who is a commercial casting director (CD) in LA, co-teaches it with an actress who's "day job" the last 25 years has been running commercial auditions. The first class was all about how each of us is pre-judged before we open our mouth. It was kinda like the "type me" session I wrote about earlier (through The Actor's Network), but this one was more commercially focused (apparently, I'd be a great spokesperson for Shell's "endangered turtle" campaign). Nine more classes to go...I'll keep you posted.


I was averaging roughly two auditions a week. I then stopped submitting myself for student films. Now I have zero auditions a week. Hmmm......

Honestly, I think this is the better way to go...I'm starting to market myself to television shows and pilots and feature length films, and though I won't be auditioning as much, when I do get an audition it'll be for something that will really help my career. Now, if I had an agent, I'd be going to two or three of these kinda auditions a week....I know, I'm working on it.


In other news, I'm still taking classes at the Howard Fine studio, and we've moved on to doing scenes. When I went up last Friday for my first scene, I'm happy to say that I got confirmation that I don't suck. In fact, I think I even surprised Howard a bit, because until scene work I wasn't really giving the class 100% (if you ever find this blog, Howard, please don't hate me). It's nice, cause now I have people asking to be my scene partner....

I've also started a sailing class, which with my guitar and two acting classes give me a pretty full schedule. Yes, life is also feels a bit empty.

Which will be what I get into next time ('ll be another "me, me, me" entry...but relevant, because I imagine many actors go through it).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may sound silly (b/c sailing is a lot of fun; I went a few times when I lived in Boston), but you should learn to ride horses. It's really peaceful and relaxing to go on a trail ride, just walking along on top of a horse... and getting a horse to canter for you is a great feeling. Plus you open yourself up to all those sword-and-sorcery type epic flicks.

Ok, I'm biased, I recently took it up as a serious hobby, and I'm hooked. But you could probably sign up for 2-3 basic classes for $100 or so.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahuja, I was promised frequent updates this weekend!!! This is a warning :)

11:32 AM  

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