Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I booked a lead role in a short student film...

...and kinda wish I didn't. I know, it sounds lame, but I'm being serious. Lemme back up:

I got a voicemail on Saturday afternoon that I was pretty excited about. I had landed the lead role in a student short playing an interesting character in a fast paced, cute story (btw, the character is Portuguese...'Sundeep' is playing 'Marcelo'...ha!). The film is going to be professionally shot, has a decent budget, and is festival bound (meaning I should hopefully get some exposure). Though it's unpaying ("copy/credit/meals", where meals is usually defined as "cheap pizza"), it'll be good for my reel and a nice payoff for all the auditions I have been doing.


The past few days, I've realized (remembered?) that acting in ambitious films is a no joke commitment--and it's taking away from time I could spend doing other, potentially more important acting related things (the list is looong). It's also taking away time from more important non acting things--like, say, making money. After a little cost-benefit analysis, I've realized I need to sharpen my focus here in Hollywood. No more auditioning for student films or non-paying gigs unless I really, really believe in the project (or I get to show off my brilliantly smashing British accent). I have a reel, I have headshots, and I have talent (damn it!); what I need is exposure, and that is gained by getting in front of the right people (agents, casting directors) and going after higher profile roles (the next 007?).

I'm sure you're thinking (cause I'm thinking) "why not just say no?" Well, these are students working on their thesis film who have been casting for a while, looking for the right person (as it turns out, only 1 person from Portugal emigrates to the US every 100 years). To be honest, they didn't even give me an option to say no; they sort of assumed I would do it (btw, if you are one of the two "they", please don't leave a nasty comment...I'm just being honest here...I love the script...really....).

Anyways, I start filming next week, and am going to be the best damn Portuguese bakery owner that ever lived. But, starting today, I'm gonna start aiming higher. Cause I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And gosh darnit', copy/credit/pizza doesn't cover rent!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I stumbled upon your blog while doing research on agencies and I LOVE it! It really motivates me and wants me go out there and be more active about my acting career. What your blog activities talk about are things I've been thinking of doing but now I MUST put into action. haha Thanks for putting up your blog which was like a half decade ago but I hope you know it still has readers (who get encouraged by it) out there!

12:11 AM  

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